
Archive for April, 2013

In another combination of music trivia and serious discussion, Dr. Mathis talks about the issue of personal boundaries and how these impact individuals throughout the lifespan. Ways to develop and keep appropriate boundaries in tact are discussed, as are things to do with those who don’t seem to respect the boundaries that people have set […]

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Once again, Dr. Mathis pontificates on a variety of his personal “pet peeve” topics (i.r., gun control, personal responsibility, the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, boundaries) while giving some interesting rock trivia facts about various instruments, amplifiers, artists, and songs. Share on Facebook

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As Americans, we seem to like to blame others for our misbehavior, as well as attempting to justify our own misbehavior by pointing fingers at others’ errors. In addition, we seem to have an inherent naiveté about our “heroes”, whether they be historical, musical, political, religious, or athletic. In this podcast, Dr. Mathis lends his […]

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