
Archive for November, 2012

With the holiday season upon us, not all persons are necessarily happy about this time of year. For various reasons, many people will experience undue stress and/or depression over this usually joyous time. Dr. Mathis will be discussing various aspects of this phenomena in this podcast, as well as how to help minimize and combat […]

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Due to input from the podcast listeners, this podcast will deal with how to try to approach and/or help someone who may need it, but doesn’t necessarily “know” it (or who knows it but is very resistant to input from others, usually out of fear, shame, ignorance, or self-loathing). Methods to approach these folks, along […]

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Sixteenth Podcast

For the sixteenth podcast, Dr. Mathis will be talking about dangerous and responsible internet behaviors. Given the recent surge of internet-related misbehaviors and unfortunate resulting consequences, it is felt that listeners should be given some basic “dos and don’ts” when surfing the net, chatting online, posting profiles, posting videos and/or pictures of  themselves (and others, […]

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