
Posts Tagged ‘drugs’

In this podcast and in addition to some musical instrument history concerning the Hammond organ and Leslie speaker, Dr. Mathis discusses the concept of “No Excuses” for misbehaviors, regardless of the circumstances. While many persons have psychological disorders and/or issues that befall them, there is never a reason to use these as convenient excuses for […]

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In this podcast, Dr. Mathis will be venting his ire on several topics. These will include medications for disorders (versus more holistic and/or creative methods), praising people after their dearth (despite the fact that the same persons were despised in life), overvaluing particular traits in some people (while ignoring their faults, just because they have […]

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Due to input from the podcast listeners, this podcast will deal with how to try to approach and/or help someone who may need it, but doesn’t necessarily “know” it (or who knows it but is very resistant to input from others, usually out of fear, shame, ignorance, or self-loathing). Methods to approach these folks, along […]

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3rd Podcast

In this third podcast (and in several future ones to come), the topic of substance-related disorders is going to be introduced. This particular podcast will focus on the basics of defining terms for the listener (e.g., “abuse” versus “dependence”), along with certain drugs and their classes. It is seen as crucial for the listening audience […]

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