
Posts Tagged ‘personal responsibility’

In this podcast and in addition to some musical instrument history concerning the Hammond organ and Leslie speaker, Dr. Mathis discusses the concept of “No Excuses” for misbehaviors, regardless of the circumstances. While many persons have psychological disorders and/or issues that befall them, there is never a reason to use these as convenient excuses for […]

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In this podcast, Dr. Mathis will be discussing various aspects of relationships. The most important relationship that anyone can have (i.e., the relationship with his/her “inner self”) is also considered, with suggestions as to how to discover the “inner you” within yourself. In addition to some of the positive results that can be experienced when […]

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For too long and for far too many mental disorders, the public has been led to believe that they have a “chemical imbalance” that must be addressed by some form of lifelong psychotropic medication that will “cure” their condition or, at least, will “fix” them. Nothing could be further from the truth. While some form […]

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As Americans, we seem to like to blame others for our misbehavior, as well as attempting to justify our own misbehavior by pointing fingers at others’ errors. In addition, we seem to have an inherent naiveté about our “heroes”, whether they be historical, musical, political, religious, or athletic. In this podcast, Dr. Mathis lends his […]

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The sixth podcast (which is the last one in this series about substance use disorders) continues to elaborate on various issues related to the topic of substance-based disorders. Persons who haven’t listened to the previous three podcasts on this topic are strongly encouraged to do so prior to listening to this podcast. Intake and assessment […]

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