
Posts Tagged ‘ADHD’

Dr. Mathis explores the age-old controversy of environmental and/or natural influences versus genetic, inherited predispositions when it comes to various emotional, behavioral, and personality disorders in this edition of his podcasts. Contributing and “buffering” factors will also be explored, as possible mechanisms to cope with persons who are more likely to develop various disorders by […]

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In this podcast and in addition to some musical instrument history concerning the Hammond organ and Leslie speaker, Dr. Mathis discusses the concept of “No Excuses” for misbehaviors, regardless of the circumstances. While many persons have psychological disorders and/or issues that befall them, there is never a reason to use these as convenient excuses for […]

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In this podcast, Dr. Mathis will be venting his ire on several topics. These will include medications for disorders (versus more holistic and/or creative methods), praising people after their dearth (despite the fact that the same persons were despised in life), overvaluing particular traits in some people (while ignoring their faults, just because they have […]

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For too long and for far too many mental disorders, the public has been led to believe that they have a “chemical imbalance” that must be addressed by some form of lifelong psychotropic medication that will “cure” their condition or, at least, will “fix” them. Nothing could be further from the truth. While some form […]

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In this tenth podcast, various alternative approaches to various psychological, mental, and/or emotional issues will be discussed. Using a combination approach of alternative and more traditional medical approaches will also be talked about, as will when a more traditional approach alone (or mainly) is considered preferable. Including a variety of practitioners and approaches (i.e., chiropractic, […]

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Once again, due to questions from the podcast listeners, the ninth podcast will be focusing on the requested area of mood disorders, with an emphasis on the various forms of Bipolar Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder. As with the previous podcast focusing on Anxiety Disorders, various biological precursors/markers, common co-morbid conditions, assessment issues, and treatment […]

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The fifth podcast (which is the 3rd in this series of podcasts dealing with substance abuse and dependency) continues to elaborate on various issues related to the topic of substance-based disorders. Persons who haven’t listened to the previous 2 podcasts on this topic are highly encouraged to do so prior to listening to this podcast. […]

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