In this podcast and in addition to some musical instrument history concerning the Hammond organ and Leslie speaker, Dr. Mathis discusses the concept of “No Excuses” for misbehaviors, regardless of the circumstances. While many persons have psychological disorders and/or issues that befall them, there is never a reason to use these as convenient excuses for […]
Posts Tagged ‘Hammond B3’
No Excuses
Posted in Podcasts, tagged ADHD, Alcohol, Anxiety, ATP, Bipolar Disorder, Booker T, Cardio-Vascular Exercise, Chlorophyll, Complex Carbs, Count Basie, depression, Diabetes, Disorders as Excuses, drugs, Drugs As Escape/Avoidant Mechanisms, Eric Clapton, Fairness As A Societal/Religious Myth, Foods That Hurt/Heal, Garbage In Garbage Out, George Gershwin, George Harrison, Gregg Allman, Hammond B3, Healthy Eating Habits, Healthy Lifestyle, Heroin, Hypoglycemia, Jimmy Smith, Jon Lord, Keith Emerson, Ken Hensley, Leslie, Living Fully, Matthew Fisher, Obesity, Other-Esteem, personal responsibility, Personality Disorder, Pot, Protein, RIck Wakeman, Rick Wright, Rod Argent, self-efficacy, self-esteem, Steve Walsh, Steve Winwood, Sugar, Suzuki Instrument Corp, Tony Banks, Tony Kaye, Tyrone Downie on May 9, 2014 | Comments Off on No Excuses