Dr. Mathis branches out a bit in this podcast to discuss the “fear factor” that is often inherent when people think about examining themselves and connecting with “the real them inside”, thus allowing them to become the best person they can be. This perspective is discussed from both an existential aspect and a mental health […]
Posts Tagged ‘John Fogerty’
Self-Examination and Fear
Posted in Podcasts, tagged Alfred Alder, CCR, Compulsive Sexuality, Courage, Distractions, Dr. Z, Escape-Avoidance, Fear of Change, Focusing on Self vs. Focusing on Others, Growth Contaminants, John Fogerty, Les Paul, Mistaken Goals, Neural Pathways, Never-ending Journey, Peavey, Practicing Life Skills, PRS, Religious vs. Spiritual, Rickenbacker, Scientist vs. Critical Parent Method, Self Focus vs. Other Focus, Self-Actualization, Self-Analysis, Self-Empowerment, Self-Examination, Self-Exploration, Self-Responsibility, Societal Programming, Spiritual Grown, substance abuse, Telecaster, Zombies on March 1, 2015 | Comments Off on Self-Examination and Fear
Self-Examination & Fear
Posted in Podcasts, tagged Alfred Alder, CCR, Contaminants, Courage, Distractions, Dr. Z, Escape-Avoidance, existential issues, Fear of Change, John Fogerty, Les Paul, Mistaken Goals, Peavey, PRS, Religious vs. Spiritual, Rickenbacker, Scientist vs. Critical Parent Method, Self-Actualisation, Self-Empowerment, Self-Enhancement, Self-Examination, Self-Exploration, Self-Responsibility, Societal Programming, Spiritual Growth, substance abuse, Telecaster, Zombies on March 1, 2015 | Comments Off on Self-Examination & Fear
Dr. Mathis branches out a bit in this podcast to discuss the “fear factor” that is often inherent when people think about examining themselves and connecting with “the real them inside”, thus allowing them to become the best person they can be. This perspective is discussed from both an existential aspect and a mental health […]
Small Choices
Posted in Podcasts, tagged Amp Profiling, Archeologist, CCR, Coping Tactics, Data Analyzer, Digital Emulation, Doug Clifford, Emotional Reasoning, Experimentation, Internal Self-talk, James Burton, John Fogerty, Kemper, Les Paul, Life Analysis, Life Choices, Logical Reasoning, Peavey, Planning, Practice, Preplanning, Rational Thinking, Rationalization, Rickenbacker, Scientific Process, Small Decisions, Stratocaster, Stu Cook, Telecaster, The Amp Factory, Tom Fogerty, Trial and Error, Unconscious Processes, Woodstock on September 16, 2014 | Comments Off on Small Choices
At the opening of this podcast and after playing a piece of rock history, Dr. Mathis gives a brief overview of some classic rock songs, artists, and equipment used to make some of the well-known material that has become part of the history of the rock music landscape. On a professional note, he talks about […]